Monday, September 3, 2012

Episode 7- Hulk News and Spirit Blade Commentary Part 1

Saturday, August 11, 2007 8:46 PM

Paeter covers news on the next "Hulk" film and experiments with giving commentary on "Spirit Blade"!

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Here's What We Need:

1. Your answers to our weekly "Coffee House Questions".
2. Tell us how we can make the podcast and blogs better or more interactive!
3. Become an "Underground Correspondent"! Record a review (books, movies, t.v. shows, ANYTHING!) for us and you may just hear it on the next podcast! (Please limit message length to 3 minutes or less.)

Here's How:
Record a message with your ideas, reviews or other thoughts at: or! Or e-mail Paeter at Don't forget to include your name so everyone will know how awesome you are! (Names will be withheld upon request.)

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