
Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Episode 150- The Hunger Games and The Last Exorcism Review

Friday, September 10, 2010 6:00 PM

Jerry's "Summer Of Free" Recommendations:
5 minute short film called 1945A that imagines what if the nazi’s built a scifi inspired super weapon during WWII. It can be found at:

Next is a 13 minute short film called Today’s Life which is about a lone space traveler. It was made in 2001 by a film student and won an award of some kind. It’s in two parts on youtube. Here:  and here:

 Last is a military scifi webseries called Trenches. It consists of 10 episodes, each around 5 minutes in length. It’s a bit hard to see what’s going on in this one in a few places, but it doesn’t hurt the story too much. Most likely this was intentional because they couldn’t afford to show you much of the alien creatures they wanted to include. It’s still enjoyable, and it’s free. It can be found on Hulu at:

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